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  • ct latino news datahaven graphic with pie charts

    Addressing Hartford’s Childhood Obesity Disparities

    [Excerpt of article by Belén Dumont, Published December 13, 2023] CT Latino News’ series—Hartford Children’s Health: Equitable Access—explores responses to complex systemic and cultural barriers across Connecticut’s capital that impact the daily health of its youngest residents. About 28,000 children and youth live in Hartford, one of the state’s most diverse communities that continues to address a variety of longstanding health-related disparities.

    December 14, 2023

  • Advancing Racial Equity and Improving Communities in Connecticut with DataHaven’s Unique Survey

    [Article by Elizabeth Burton and Kathy Pettit at NNIP News, November 2023]

    November 29, 2023

  • Hartford Foundation equity report by DataHaven

    DataHaven's Hartford Foundation 2023 Equity Profile Highlights Region's Challenges and Opportunities

    DataHaven’s Hartford Foundation 2023 Equity Profile Highlights Region’s Challenges and Opportunities

    November 27, 2023

  • New Haven's latest effort to close digital divide will help residents sign up for low-cost internet

    [Excerpt from New Haven Register article by Elizabeth Moore, 10/5/23] NEW HAVEN — The COVID-19 pandemic put a spotlight on a digital divide in New Haven, but the divide existed before then — and it continues to exist. Now, New Haven will provide more tools to help close that divide with a $250,000 federal grant.

    October 05, 2023

  • To address mental health issues, Hartford offers free access to app

    [Excerpt of article by Stephen Underwood, Hartford Courant, 9/27/23] All Hartford residents, students, and employees will soon have access to a free one-year subscription for a mental health app to help address what officials say is a rise in anxiety and depression in the city. A new partnership with the mental health app, Headspace, and West Hartford’s wellness nonprofit, Copper Beech Institute will offer personalized content recommendations, everyday mindfulness and meditation activities, mental health tips, and information.

    September 27, 2023

  • Long-vacant blighted historic home gets a makeover through Hartford Land Bank

    [Excerpt of feature article by Stephen Underwood, September 21, 2023] The Hartford Land Bank is a nonprofit organization that acquires vacant, abandoned, tax-delinquent or distressed properties in Hartford and redevelops them by teaming up with local developers. The nonprofit group works with dozens of local developers just like Salazar that are invested in the city, according to Arunan Arulampalam, Land Bank CEO. [....]

    September 21, 2023
