Search Results

  • DataHaven Celebrates 20 Years of Service to Greater New Haven; Community Wellbeing Survey Seeks to Measure Local Quality of Life

    DataHaven Celebrates 20 Years of Service to Greater New Haven; Community Wellbeing Survey Seeks to Measure Local Quality of Life(New Haven, CT) August 28, 2012: Beginning in September and continuing through October, more than 1,300 adults living throughout Greater New Haven will be interviewed by phone about wellbeing within their community.

    Sep. 4, 2012

    All DataHaven Programs, Community Wellbeing Survey, Civic Vitality, Demographics, Economy, Health, Housing, Public Safety

  • Housing and Planning for a Healthy Public: Land Use, Design, and Development to Promote Health Equity

    This policy brief makes the case for formalizing planning-public health partnerships at the municipal level in Connecticut and identifies potential policy strategies that such partnerships could advance to improve conditions to promote health and health equity.

    Apr. 30, 2012

    Health, Housing

  • Improving Delivery of Pubic Services

    This report focuses on finding longer-term solutions to the effective and efficient delivery of public services in Connecticut. Connecticut’s local expenditures (now at $12 billion per year) have been growing faster than the median income in Connecticut, which makes it especially important to take alcloser look at how municipal and education services are delivered on a local level. This is part 4 of a six-part series, "Framework for Connecticut's Fiscal Future."

    Feb. 1, 2012

    Education, Health, Housing, Public Safety

  • Portraits of Homelessness in Connecticut 2010

    The Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness put together this report on the current state of homelessness in Connecticut in 2010. It includes the demographics of the homeless, the resources available to them, and the ways in which efforts to help could be improved. One signficiant result from this year's survey was that there was an unprecedented number of homeless individuals that were experiencing homelessness for the first time.

    Feb. 28, 2011


  • 2010 New Haven Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice

    The Analysis of Impediments is part of the requirements for the city of New Haven to receive HUD program funds. It prevents discrimination and promotes fair housing choices by analyzing any factors that may restrict housing choice based on race, religion, sex, disability, familial status, or national origin.

    Dec. 31, 2010


  • The New Haven Ten Year Plan to End Chronic Homelessness: Implementation Plan

    The New Haven Ten Year Plan to End Chronic Homelessness was released in December 2005 by former Mayor John DeStefano's Homeless Advisory Committee. It outlined the priorities for addressing the homeless population's needs. This document contains the work plans for the various steering committees.

    Mar. 31, 2007

