Search Results

  • New Haven Children & Youth: 1999 Update

    This report was a follow-up to the original 1998 report. It measured various indicators of the wellbeing of children in the city, spanning the areas of education, health, safety, poverty, and violence.

    Dec. 31, 1999


  • Comprehensive, Integrated Community-Wide Safe Schools/Healthy Students Plan For New Haven, Connecticut

    This report outlines the New Haven's plans for addressing risk factors among city youth. The report offers a framework centered around the schools, with the support of community partners, for achieving these goals.

    Jun. 1, 1999

    Education, Health

  • New Haven Children & Youth: 1998

    In this report, Connecticut Voices for Children presents the state of New Haven youth in 1998 in the context of the state and the nation. The report serves as a baseline to direct attention to areas in need of further improvement.

    Sep. 30, 1998

