Search Results

  • A Health Status Report on African-Americans in Connecticut

    This report reflects the status of health indicators for African Americans. It showed that there is still much racial inequity in health.

    Jun. 30, 2007


  • Working Together: The Future of Health in New Haven

    The Future Search Consensus Conference is a multi-stakeholder planning method that brings diverse groups together to discover shared values and purpose. It forces “systems thinking” — promoting a broad yet integrated approach. The two-day conference focused on determining how to take advantage of Yale's research resources to advance health care in New Haven. This report outlines the findings and recommendations.

    May. 15, 2007


  • The Connecticut Diabetes Prevention and Control Plan (2007-2012)

    Diabetes affects many people in Connecticut, but the Connecticut Diabetes Prevention and Control Program seeks to reduce the rate at which the disease affect's the state's population. They issued a series of goals and recommendations.

    Jan. 1, 2007


  • A Community Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drug Indicators Handbook (2005 Edition)

    Join Together created this handbook to guide the development of reporting programs based on various indicators of substance abuse.

    Dec. 31, 2005


  • A Town-Level Assessment of Community Food Security in Connecticut

    This report, released by the University of Connecticut's Food Policy Marketing Center, summarizes a town-level assessment of communityfood security in Connecticut. The results show which towns are food insecure and provide some insight into what barriers may exist to food security in those areas.

    May. 23, 2005


  • Town of Guilford Natural Resource Inventory and Assessment

    An assessment and inventory of Guilford, Connecticut's natural resources, produced by the Natural Resource Inventory Committee, a subcommittee of the Guilford Conservation Commission.The document provides a detailed understanding of what resources exist, where they can be found, and how they relate to one another, allowing land use decision makers to protect the integrity of natural resources while providing for compatible residential and commercial growth. An additional benefit is to enhance residents’ understanding about the environment in which they live.

    Jan. 31, 2005

