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  • A Challenge to the Health of Our Young People: A Primer on Federal, State and Local Policies that Impact School Food

    The New Haven Food Policy Council put together this policy primer to present information about the importance of healthy school meals. The report offers policy suggestions at the federal, state, and local levels.

    May 22, 2008

  • Greater New Britain Health Needs Assessment

    The goal of this Community Health Assessment is to gain understanding of the health status of New Britain, Berlin, Plainville, and Southington and identify key areas of need. This study was a large survey plus additional data gathered from publicly available sources. It was done in partnership between Connecticut Mental Health Affiliates, Hospital for Special Care, Human Resources Agency of New Britain, The Hospital of Central Connecticut, and health officials from the respective municipal governments.

    March 31, 2008

  • Bus Transit Needs Analysis — Connecticut 2007

    This study is a plan for bus service investments that will support the future economic development of Connecticut. It identifies the range of benefits of investing in bus transit and determines how investing in these improvements to today’s bus infrastructure will contribute to job access, emerging intra- and inter-state markets, smart growth, economic development, environmental quality, and congestion relief. 

    December 31, 2007

  • Information for Workforce Investment Planning — 2007

    This report focuses on the South Central Workforce Investment Area, centered around New Haven. This publication includes data on Connecticut’s population, its labor force, industry employment and wages, employment by town, and on persons with barriers to employment.

    December 31, 2007

  • Immigration in Connecticut: A Growing Opportunity

    The percentage of immigrants in the state of Connecticut increased between consecutive Census reports. This also points to increasing numbers of children of immigrants in the state, which requires rethinking how their educational and health outcomes are addressed, given the language and socioeconomic barriers.

    October 31, 2007

  • Connecticut Leads the Nation in Multiple Measures of Income Inequality

    According to Census data, Connecticut had greater income inequaity than all other states, with its household income distribution still growing. This report from Conneticut Voices for Children analyzes these statistics using Gini Coefficients of Inequality.

    October 31, 2007
