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  • Buried Treasure: Developing a Management Guide From Mountains of School Data

    This report discusses what is required to develop a school district "management guide," and offers a sample guide based on evidence-based indicators. Such indicators include achievement, elimination of the achievement gap, student attraction, student engagement, student retention, teacher attraction/retention, and funding equity.

    January 31, 2005

  • Connecticut Career Resource Network Update

    The Career Resource Network offers advice on career paths for students. This publication includes articles about different occupations and the skills that students should gain in order to succeed in those areas.

    January 01, 2005

  • Conservation and Development Policies Plan for Connecticut, 2004-2009

    This report provides the policy and planning framework for administrative and programmatic actions and capital and operational investment decisions of state government. It seeks to guide future state capital investments in a manner that leverages existing physical assets, revitalizes our urban areas to make them attractive again to our citizens, and provides municipalities with incentives to ensure that their land use policies do not inadvertently raise public costs odegrade natural resources.

    December 31, 2004

  • Informing Our Nation: Improving How to Understand and Assess the USA's Position and Progress

    The United States Government Accountability Office released this report studied a diverse set of key indicator systems that provide economic, environmental, social, and cultural information for local, state, or regional jurisdictions. The included suggestions for future improvements.

    November 30, 2004

  • Building and Using Community Information Systems: Inventory of Available Tools and Guides (Draft)

    This paper develops an organizational framework and catalogues tools supporting community information systems (CIS) in the following areas: building and using CISs, assembling and using data sources, developing indicators, using CISs forchange, developing CIS technology, building user capacity, and building institutional capacity. Although a variety of resources already exist to support the CIS movement, the paper finds needs for creating or updating resources in areas.

    November 30, 2004

  • Particulate Matter in New Haven: Local Diesel Sources and Solutions

    Diesel traffic in New Haven is a major contributor to particulate matter pollution. Air pollution is a detriment to health and the aesthetics of the area. The report identifies sources of diesel pollution and recommendations to handle them.

    October 26, 2004
