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  • 2015 Metro Hartford Progress Points Access to Opportunity

    Metro Hartford Progress Points aims to identify and better understand the critical education, income, and opportunity gaps that exist in the region. The report focuses on three main points (better schools, better jobs, and stronger neighborhoods) and identifies challenges facing the city, inner suburbs, and outer suburbs. This is followed by an analysis of how a improving these points can increase regional prosperity, and the report highlights ways in which the community is already moving in that direction.

    July 31, 2015

  • More Seniors = More Need For Help

    "The Community Wellbeing Survey … will now allow DataHaven and its over 100 partner organizations... to evaluate the age-inclusive livability of every community in the state."

    July 13, 2015

  • Data show Connecticut remains segregated, but work being done to lessen it

    [Excerpt] "Connecticut not only has the highest per capita income in the nation and ties New York in income disparity, its pockets of wealth and poverty are more highly concentrated than in many other large metropolitan areas. That was one of the findings of a study by Mark Abraham and Mary Buchanan, of DataHaven in New Haven, whose mission is to help policy-makers by compiling and interpreting public data.

    July 04, 2015

  • Largest Community Survey in U.S. Now Underway in Connecticut; 15,000 People to be Interviewed

    "The initiative is creating the first-ever shared measures of quality of life, happiness, and community health across all neighborhoods, towns, regions, and the state as a whole."

    June 29, 2015

  • Community survey may be calling you

    "The study will be most the comprehensive in the state."

    June 28, 2015

  • Valley Community Foundation Report Jobs Data

    Are there two Valleys?

    "The results [of the survey] will be incorporated into a community index report that [will give the Valley Community Foundation] a better idea of where the need for community help exists in the Valley."

    June 28, 2015
